Organic Whole Psyllium Husks from India 250g

PZN 12440945
Pack with 250 g

Also available as
Pack with 500 g

Organic whole psyllium from India. Sealed transparent bag. Minimum 99% purity!

Organic certification authority DE-ÖKO-001 – Non-EU agriculture. Our certification as a supplier of organic products is confirmed annually by the certification authority DE-ÖKO-001.

Avitale Flohsamenschalen sind reich an schleimbildenden Ballaststoffen: Pro 100g Flohsamenschalen sind mindestens 75g Ballaststoffe enthalten. Flohsamenschalen sind ein reines Naturprodukt ohne Zusatzstoffe und für eine vegetarische und vegane Ernährung geeignet. Die perfekte, tägliche Ergänzung als wertvoller Beitrag zu Ihrem Wohlbefinden!


Product safety and high-quality raw materials are our top priority. We want to serve our customers as a reliable and responsible partner. Experts regularly conduct detailed studies to ensure that the excellent standard of our product range remains constant. To maintain this high, consistent standard, we – among other things – manufacture our dietary supplement with a certified pharmaceutical company in Germany.

Once daily, stir two level tsp into approx. 300 ml water and drink. Please do not consume dry and ensure that you drink 1 to 2 litres of water daily.

Also ideal for stirring into muesli or yoghurt!

Whole Indian psyllium husks from certified organic producers (COP), minimum 99% purity.

Nutritional value* per 100 g

Energy 895 kJ/220 kcal
Fat 0.8 g
of which saturated fatty acids <0.8 g
Carbohydrate 12.7 g
of which sugars <0.5 g
Protein 2.1 g
Salt 0.15 g

* Average values with natural fluctuations according to the laboratory analysis by an accredited food laboratory

Please consult your physician before consuming this product if you suffer from any illness of the gastrointestinal tract (including pathological narrowing of the gastrointestinal tract and any potential or existing gut obstruction), kidneys or oesophagus, or suffer from brittle Type 2 diabetes. Please do not take directly with other medication.

Owing to the Health Claims Regulation EU No. 1924/2006, we are not permitted to advertise the effects of our food products or dietary supplements. We therefore ask for your understanding that our customer service team are only able to answer any related questions to a limited degree. For detailed, health-related questions, in particular with regard to taking our products in conjunction with any medication, please consult your physician or pharmacist. In accordance with the applicable laws, these experts are permitted to provide you with healthcare-related and medical advice. We thank you for your understanding!

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and healthy lifestyle. The daily recommended intake must not be exceeded. Please store out of reach of children.

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